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This chapter gives an introduction about the advanced materials that are used asbiomaterial, their requirements and materials-tissue interactions. This is followed by thediscussion on bioceramic materials and their classification as nearly inert, bioactive andresorbable materials with examples. Among the number of materials developed for bioapplications,those showing higher compatibility with the tissues and which proliferatethe growth of tissues play a prominent role. Among these, some of the ceramics likehydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate are widely used due to their chemicalsimilarity to bone and good biocompatibility. In this context, a review on preparationmethods, processing and forming, thermal stability and densification and some of thecharacteristic properties of hydroxyapatite ceramics has been presented.
The chapter also deals with the processing and shaping aspects of bioceramic materialsincluding basic principles, experimental result and discussions. Colloidal processing,slip casting, gel casting and mouldless casting methods are discussed as applied toAl2O3, hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate as specific examples of bioceramicmaterials to fabricate differently shaped dense and porous samples intended for implantand scaffold applications.
Microwave heating technique has attracted considerable attention for theprocessing of various materials such as ceramics, glasses, polymers, composites andeven metals. Researchers are trying to apply this technology to new areas. The presentreview presents a short overview of some recent applications of conventional and/ ormicrowave processing for the synthesis of novel ceramics and glass-ceramics.
Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering is an up-to-date treatment of ceramic science, engineering, and applications in a single, integrated text. Building on a foundation of crystal structures, phase equilibria, defects and the mechanical properties of ceramic materials, students are shown how these materials are processed for a broad diversity of applications in today's society. Concepts such as how and why ions move, how ceramics interact with light and magnetic fields, and how they respond to temperature changes are discussed in the context of their applications. References to the art and history of ceramics are included throughout the text. The text concludes with discussions of ceramics in biology and medicine, ceramics as gemstones and the role of ceramics in the interplay between industry and the environment. Extensively illustrated, the text also includes questions for the student and recommendations for additional reading. 2b1af7f3a8