Aspen Plus Chemical Engineering Applications Solution Manual
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ASPEN PLUS®: Chemical Engineering Applications: Using the Software in the Design of Industrial Processes guides students through the process of using the software via a step-by-step approach. Students are guided through the modeling, simulation, and optimization process that will be used to design an industrial process. Students are introduced to modeling concepts, which are then applied to a simulated industrial process. Various design and optimization strategies are presented through examples. Material balances are presented, and the material balances are used to solve the steady-state equations. The simulation starts, and process simulation is performed to gain a better understanding of the process. The modeling is continued, and the simulation is performed to obtain the optimum system design. The optimum system design is then optimized. Next, the simulation proceeds to the optimization. This is followed by the standard optimization techniques, which include the use of Powell’s method, simplex, and gradient method. The optimization is then followed by the use of the Pareto-optimal curve. Each stage is covered, and accompanying text is provided for each stage to ensure that all concepts are fully understood. Each example includes information on how to reproduce the results. Using Aspen Plus®, students are able to design and analyze various industrial processes that are used in chemical engineering.
This textbook was developed specifically to teach students how to use Aspen Plus® in the development of a process, which includes material balances, solution equations, and the entire multi-stage process. Given the inherent complexity of the material balances and the solution equations, a basic understanding of the basic concepts of thermodynamics is necessary to guide students through the process of modeling and simulating the process. We have found the following topics on thermodynamics to be particularly helpful to get the students started:
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc