Bring Me The Horizon, Count Your Blessings Full [HOT] Album Zip
In his Practical Faith for Daily Living Part III he said, "Counting your blessings and keeping a list of them is something we were doing back at the end of the Mind Is Naked era when we talked about preparing for death. There's a scripture we sort of quoted from something that looked religious and maybe it's not; It's in Proverbs or I think it's in Ecclesiastes. There's a scripture where the writer says, 'one shake of the dice, one throw of the dice and you're done". There's a certain mindset that if you don't count blessings, you didn't truly realize your blessings. I think there's value in that sort of mindset and I think there's value in that language. I'll quote it "You are blessed if you seek Me, you are blessed if you know Me, you are blessed if you find Me. Count your blessings, for in this life you have more than enough for food and clothes and shelter, do not desire to be better than you are, do not ask others for help when God is greater than you. If you look to someone else for help, the very person you help will take you or leave you. It's better to find yourself than to be found. I know I said that I'm not religious, but there's truth in that. Many times we're our own worst critics [listeners LMAO... again]where we think others are not paying attention to us and we don't even notice it ourselves. Maybe we should be paying attention to ourselves instead and not stand on our individual soapboxes preaching this stuff to other people. We don't know what's best for them and we probably don't know what's best for ourselves ". d2c66b5586