Classification Of Fungi By Alexopoulos Pdf |LINK| Free
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The identification of yeasts has been traditionally based on morphological characteristics, but due to their poor differentiation, distinctive reactions in a standardized set of fermentation and assimilation tests have been more reliable. However, genetic crosses as well as molecular studies have demonstrated that those phenotypic characteristics are not adequate for defining taxa. Therefore, systematics have turned increasingly to molecular approaches to distinguish and identify yeast species and to develop a system of classification based on phylogeny. Kurtzman and colleagues analyzed partial sequences of SSU and LSU rRNAs and were the pioneers in yeast phylogenetic studies; they provided numerous and valuable data to assess taxonomic relationships between these fungi (296, 298, 301, 302).
Later, much more handy system of classification was proposed by Gwynne-Vaughan and Barnes (1926). In their classification, Myxomycetes were not considered as fungi and were included by them as forms resembling fungi.
Ainsworth G. C. (1966, 71, 73) proposed a more natural system of classification of fungi. This classification is based on morphology, especially of reproductive structure. He includes fungi along with slime molds under the kingdom Mycota.
Myxomycota i.e., slime molds and Eumycota or true fungi. Divisions are subsequently divided into subdivision, class, subclass, order, family and then to genus. According to his classification, division ends in mycota, subdivision in mycotina, class in mycetes, subclass in mycetidae order in ales and family in aceae.
Ainsworth G. C. (1966, 71, 73) proposed a more natural system ofclassification of fungi. This classification is based on morphology, espe¬ciallyof reproductive structure. He includes fungi along with slime molds underthe kingdom Mycota.
Myxomycota i., slime molds and Eumycota or true fungi. Divisionsare subsequently divided into subdivision, class, subclass, order, family andthen to genus. According to his classification, division ends in mycota,subdivision in mycotina, class in mycetes, subclass in mycetidae order inales and family in aceae.
Althoughthe classification scheme of Linnaeus enabled students of botany to identifyplants, it did not classify related plants in the same groups. Ferns, mossesand fungi, for example, were placed in the same class even though they areobviously not related to one another, and cone bearing, e.g. pines and firs,and flowering plants were classified together, as well. This type ofclassification scheme is not desirable and even Linnaeus admitted that thisscheme was composed for convenience rather than for the grouping together ofrelated plants such as in a natural system of classification.Although the need for such a system was known even before Linnaeus, itsuniversal usage in science has only come about recently.
Many of Lloyd's collections were obtained throughrequests by mail and in returned he offered his journal free to the senders ofcollections. His contributions to mycology were many. During his lifetime, he accumulateda rather large herbarium of fungi which is still maintained today as is his library, whichhas many rare mycological books. His herbarium was composed only of large fungi because hedid not like to use a microscope and believed in distinguishing species with only what wasvisible to the naked eye. He was the stereotypic scientist. He was nevermarried, except to his work. He didn't have a house. He maintained bachelors quarters inhis museum.
1. In the fungal classification system Ascomycetes come under the division of ________________a) Gymnomycotab) Mastigomycotac) Amastigomycotad) Gymnomycota, MastigomycotaView AnswerAnswer: cExplanation: The class of Ascomycetes comes under the division of Amastigomycota which are terrestrial fungi. var adpushup = window.adpushup = window.adpushup || {}; adpushup.que = adpushup.que || []; adpushup.que.push(function() { adpushup.triggerAd("9f8aa9b5-2c42-4296-896e-70772ed1db59"); }); 2. Rhizopus stolonifer belongs to which class?a) Acrasiomycetesb) Zygomycetesc) Ascomycetesd) DeuteromycetesView AnswerAnswer: bExplanation: Rhizopus stolonifer belongs to the class Zygomycetes and division Amastigomycota.3. Which class of fungi among the following have motile cells with two laterally inserted flagella, one tinsel and the other whiplash?a) Chytridiomycetesb) Zygomycetesc) Deuteromycetesd) OomycetesView AnswerAnswer: dExplanation: The Oomycetes class have motile cells with two laterally inserted flagella, one tinsel and anteriorly directed, the other whiplash and posteriorly directed. Note: Join free Sanfoundry classes at Telegram or Youtube advertisement var adpushup = window.adpushup || {}; adpushup.que = adpushup.que || []; adpushup.que.push(function () { if (adpushup.config.platform === "MOBILE") { adpushup.triggerAd("e5da93a0-b61a-4789-96be-a57ebec165b0"); } else if ((window.outerWidth 2b1af7f3a8