In terms of ruthless inhumanity, however, the Bolsheviks were unbeatable. Every day Beevor is personally burdened by this question, he sees. For both sides the white as well as the red it was not just about neutralizing the enemy. The total other had to be humiliated, tortured, intimidated and killed in the most bestial way. In Spain fifteen years later it was much the same, although there the war cost only lives don t forget Yugoslavia in the s, victims. The pattern is uncanny. Beevor sees the th century as a chain reaction of disasters. Now this is happening again in Ukraine.
We have to ask are there lines million is the figure Beevor gives for victims in this war which began in late autumn and lasted until These loss figures lift the Russian civil war up to a main axis in the history of the th century gives Beevor a span ceiling for a reassessment of the whatsapp mobile number list entire century. Beevor believes that the civil war triggered a spiral of violence that resonated until our time. In particular, the war created shock waves in Europe s middle classes. The violence can shed light on the bitterness and intransigence of the interwar conflicts.
Between the lines also shines through that this horror helped to throw the European citizens into the arms of Hitler as a last defense against the drive for revolution from the left. This is a complicated line of reasoning Twice as many victims as the Nazis Endlösung how is that possible Beevor provides no analysis of how he arrived at this number, which is the highest this reviewer has come across and differs from what, say, Ian Kershaw believes THE Interestingly enough, Beevor confirms one of Hannah Arendt s observations The more obvious that the enemy no longer represents a threat, the worse the terror and mass murders become.