Executable File Icons Changer 5 Portable Privacy
Executable File Icons Changer 5 Portable Privacy >>>>> https://blltly.com/2sXxWG
To solve NetBeans RFE #64612 without manual steps I need a Java (6+) library which can take an existing Windows *.exe file and replace its icon with a substitute in a common format. The executable, which is generic and prebuilt (distributed in binary form), already knows how to load an application-specific config file and then start the JRE with various application JARs etc.; the only problem is that it has a generic icon, and I would like to replace that icon as part of a pure Java build with an application-specific icon, so it looks prettier.
Does anyone know if a tool matching these specifications already exists? From various web searches I found Launch4J, but this appears to just fork windres for the real work, thus not trivially portable. I found JSmooth which looks more promising - appears to include Java code to handle the ICO codec and manipulate PE files - but it is GPL. WinRun4J looks to use native code for icon manipulation, though I had a hard time following its sources. Jimi supposedly handles the ICO format (for that matter the standard javax.imageio seems to as well) but I guess has no facility for updating PE resources.
The first step to building an executable version of this project is to add the entry-point script. Luckily, the feed reader project is well structured, so all you need is a short script outside the package to run it. For example, you can create a file called cli.py alongside the reader package with the following code:
This is a way to avoid your executable, spec file, and build artifact folders being named after your entry-point script. --name is useful if you have a habit of naming your entry-point script something like cli.py, as I do.
As mentioned earlier, you can reuse the automatically generated .spec file to further customize your executable. The .spec file is a regular Python script that implicitly uses the PyInstaller library API.
As you saw above, you might encounter problems when running your executable. Depending on the complexity of your project, the fixes could be as simple as including data files like the feed reader example. However, sometimes you need more debugging techniques.
By default, the exported project's icon will be the Godot icon.You will most likely want to change that for your project. There are two typesof icons that can be changed on Windows: the file icon and the taskbar icon.
Windows does not use formats such as png or jpg for application icons. Instead,it uses a Windows-only format called ICO. You can create your application iconin any program but you will have to convert it to an ICO file using a program suchas GIMP.
There are known issueswhen changing the application icon in executables that embed a PCK file.It's recommended to avoid using rcedit for now if you choose to enable theEmbed Pck option for your Windows export preset in the Export dialog.
Windshift has used icons mimicking MS Office files to mask malicious executables.[46] Windshift has also attempted to hide executables by changing the file extension to ".scr" to mimic Windows screensavers.[47]
For this example we're going to start with a simple skeleton app, which doesn't do anything interesting. Once we've got the basic packaging process working, we'll extend the application to include icons and data files. We'll confirm the build as we go along.
The dist (for "distribution") folder contains the files to be distributed. This includes your application, bundled as an executable file, together with any associated libraries (for example PyQt5) and binary .dll files.
You can try running your app yourself now, by running the executable file, named app.exe from the dist folder. After a short delay you'll see the familiar window of your application pop up as shown below.
Note that while the one-file build is easier to distribute, it is slower to execute than a normally built application. This is because every time the application is run it must create a temporary folder to unpack the contents of the executable. Whether this trade-off is worth the convenience for your app is up to you!
Why not? Because the icon used for the window isn't determined by the icons in the executable file, but by the application itself. To show an icon on our window we need to modify our simple application a little bit, to add a call to .setWindowIcon().
In the updated code below, we define a new variable basedir, using os.path.dirname to get the containing folder of __file__ which holds the full path of the current Python file. We then use this to build the relative paths for icons using os.path.join().
Usually you will have more than one data file you want to include with your packaged file. The latest PyInstaller versions let you bundle folders just like you would files, keeping the sub-folder structure. For example, lets extend our app to add some additional icons, and put them under a folder.
To copy the icons folder across to our build application, we just need to add the folder to our .spec file Analysis block. As for the single file, we add it as a tuple with the source path (from our project folder) and the destination folder under the resulting dist folder.
If you run the build using this spec file you'll see the icons folder copied across to the dist folder. If you run the application from the folder, the icons will display as expected -- the relative paths remain correct in the new location.
While you could share this folder with your users as a ZIP file it's not the best user experience. Desktop applications are normally distributed with installers which handle the process of putting the executable (and any other files) in the correct place, adding Start Menu shortcuts and the like.
This packages everything up ready to distribute in the dist/app folder. Run the executable app.exe to ensure everything is bundled correctly, and you should the same window as before with icons visible.
While researching files associated with a range of operational technology (OT) original equipment manufacturers (OEM), Mandiant Threat Intelligence uncovered a large number of legitimate portable executable (PE) binaries affected by various types of PE infecting malware. The infected files include binaries associated with programmable logical controllers (PLC), OLE for process control (OPC) communications, human-machine interface (HMI) applications, and other OT functions supported by Windows-based devices at levels 2 and 3 of the Purdue Model.
A PE is a file format developed by Microsoft used for executables (.EXE, .SCR) and dynamic link libraries (.DLL). A PE file infector is a malware family that propagates by appending or wrapping malicious code into other PE files on an infected system. PE infectors are not particularly complex and can be detected by most antivirus products. However, this has not stopped such malware from spreading to OT networks where slight deviations in performance or system conditions may result in adverse outcomes.
For this blog post, we examined 1,200 infected files associated with ten OEMs in a known malware analysis platform from 2010 through 2021. These malicious executables contain infected versions of legitimate PE files as indicated by valid embedded certificates from the vendors. Although we have no indications that this activity is targeting OT systems, our research highlights that actors can often succeed in crossing the OT security perimeter even with simple tactics.
The Linux file of Bibisco does not seem to ship with an icon. The executable doesn't seem to have UTF-8 encoding -- in other words, that's why it looks like garbled symbols. This isn't definite, as I didn't play with the settings in my text editors to look, so this is just my observation.
The ALM Client Launcher portable is a single executable file that does not need installation, it is ideal for users who want quick and direct access to ALM from a common or less restricted device.
You can easily convert your favorite images into icons or cursors, or icons into images.Supported image formats SVG, BMP, PNG, JPG, JPG2000, TIF and GIF.You can extract icons from other files, including Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Macintosh files.
If your firewall sets rules on a per-program basis, the program you should apply the rules to will usually be the bluej launcher (bluej.exe) - however you may also need to specify rules for the Java executable ("java.exe") as well or instead. There are actually multiple copies of the java.exe executable installed as part of the JDK or J2SDK on Windows - you may need to change the rules for them independently. You may also need to change the rules for the "javaw.exe" files.
Create and manage icon libraries in ICL files (ICon Library in 16-bit and 32-bit formats), Zip archives. Compile icons into 32-bit DLL files similar to MORICONS.DLL fully recognized by Windows.
Search for hidden icons on your computer. Store these icons into icon libraries. GConvert recognizes Macintosh icons stored in ICNS and Macintosh resource fork files, including Mac OS X image formats from 128×128 (thumbnail) to 512×512 (Mac OS X Leopard).
Manage your icon favorites and your favorite icon directories. Access to your favorite folders directly from the Open dialog box. Create cursors for Windows (.cur) directly from icons and set their hotsport. Modify icons in .exe and .dll files (32-bit).
An executable file (EXE file) is a computer file that contains an encoded sequence of instructions that the system can execute directly when the user clicks the file icon. Executable files commonly have an EXE file extension, but there are hundreds of other executable file formats.
Some executable file types can run on any compatible system without requiring the existence of another program. These files are considered to pose a high security risk. They include EXE, BAT, COM, CMD, INF, IPA, OSX, PIF, RUN and WSH.
Users can create executable files in a basic text editor or in an integrated development environment (IDE). If using a text editor, users need a separate compiler to turn the file into machine code. IDEs automate the compilation process. They also usually automatically find syntax errors and highlight different syntax elements. 2b1af7f3a8