Ibm System P5 Serial Connection Windows
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PS/2 systems introduced a new specification for the keyboard and mouse interfaces, which are still in use today (though increasingly supplanted by USB devices) and are thus called "PS/2" interfaces. The PS/2 keyboard interface, inspired by Apple's ADB interface, was electronically identical to the long-established AT interface, but the cable connector was changed from the 5-pin DIN connector to the smaller 6-pin mini-DIN interface. The same connector and a similar synchronous serial interface was used for the PS/2 mouse port.
No-charge elastic processor and memory days are available with theinitial system order or with a same-serial-number model upgrade. Youcan receive 15 processor days and 240 GB days for every active andinactive processor core initially. Order this by using theappropriate quantity of features EPJ5 and EMJ9.
It is highly recommended that the Power E880 be ordered with an IBM42U enterprise rack (7014-T42 or #0553). An initial system order isplaced in a 7014-T42 rack. A same serial-number model upgrade MES isplaced in a feature 0553 rack. This is done to ease and speed clientinstallation, provide a more complete and higher quality environmentfor IBM Manufacturing system assembly and testing, and provide a morecomplete shipping package.
Power Enterprise Pools provide a level of flexibility and value forsystems that operate together as a pool of resources. PowerEnterprise Pools mobile activations are available for use on the Power770, 780, and 795 systems and now on the new Power E870 and E880systems. They can be assigned to any system in a predefined pool bythe user with simple HMC commands. IBM does not need to be notifiedwhen these resources are reassigned within a pool. The simplicity ofoperations offers new flexibility when managing large workloads in apool of systems. This capability is especially appealing to aid inproviding continuous application availability during maintenancewindows. Not only can workloads easily move to alternate systems, butnow the activations can move as well.
Power Systems users now have the satisfaction of knowing that astheir requirements change, so can their systems. A simple movement ofactivations from one system to another helps users rebalance resourcesand respond to business needs. Maintenance windows now open up moreeasily as both workloads and activations move transparently acrosssystems. Even disaster recovery planning becomes more manageable withthe ability to move activations where and when they are needed. PowerEnterprise Pools are just one more reason why enterprise class serversfrom Power Systems deliver value for your ever-changing business.
Download the client-specific configuration file with mobileactivations to the controlling HMC for the pool. The file will workonly for the specified system serial numbers. A new file will begenerated when systems or mobile resources are added or removed fromthe pool.
Before removal from a pool, all assets (including mobile resources)that were originally purchased with the system must be returned tothat same system serial number. Mobile assets belonging to a systemmay qualify for transfer to another system serial number, depending onspecific qualifying guidelines, and will require additionaladministrative action.
In the unlikely event of system hardware or environmentally inducedfailure, the system runtime error capture capability systematicallyanalyzes the hardware error signature to determine the cause offailure. The analysis result will be stored in system NVRAM. Whenthe system can be successfully restarted either manually orautomatically, or if the system continues to operate, the error willbe reported to the operating system. Hardware and software failuresare recorded in the system log. An Error Log Analysis (ELA) routineanalyzes the error, forwards the event to the Service Focal Point(SFP) application running on the HMC, and notifies the systemadministrator that it has isolated a likely cause of the systemproblem. The Service Processor event log also records unrecoverablecheckstop conditions, forwards them to the SFP application, andnotifies the system administrator. The system has the ability to callhome through OS to report platform recoverable errors and errorsassociated with PCI adapters/devices. When the information is loggedin the SFP application, if the system is properly configured, a callhome service request will be initiated and the pertinent failure datawith service parts information and part locations will be sent to anIBM service organization. Customer contact information and specificsystem-related data such as the machine type, model, and serialnumber, along with the error log data related to the failure, are sentto IBM Service.
Under PowerVM the service processor supports surveillance of theconnection to the HMC and to the system firmware (hypervisor). Italso provides several remote power control options, environmentalmonitoring, reset, restart, remote maintenance, and diagnosticfunctions, including console mirroring. The service processors menus(ASMI) can be accessed concurrently with system operation, allowingnondisruptive abilities to change system default parameters.
The Power E880 system nodes or system control unit or PCIe Gen3Expansion units are not certified for connection to interfaces ofpublic telecommunications networks. Certification may be required bylaw prior to making any such connection. Contact an IBMrepresentative or reseller for any questions and for information onPCIe adapters that can be used in the system and which are certified.
The Power E880 system nodes or system control unit or PCIe Gen3Expansion units are not certified for direct connection to interfacesof public telecommunications networks. Certification may be requiredby law prior to making any such connection. Contact an IBMrepresentative or reseller for any questions and for information onPCIe adapters which can be used in the system and which arecertified.
A single 7014-T42 rack can be ordered containing one or two PowerE880 systems. Note that two four-node Power E880 will not fit in asingle 42U rack and that care must be taken anytime ordering a pair ofPower 880 servers in a rack to ensure there is space for horizontalPDUs, future system node additions and anything else the rack needs tocontain. A customer can order one factory-integrated system node andlater order an additional system node to be installed in the same rackat the client establishment. IBM factory-integrated orders of the7014-T42 can be with standard rack doors (#ERG7 or #6069) or OEMdoors. On initial order, if the rack contains a system node, the7014-T42 machine/type must* be ordered. If a MES same-serial-numberupgrade the #0553 feature must* be ordered. ( * See also derackingfeature #ER21.)
This 3.7 meter cable is available to provide a null-modemconnection between the serial ports of two system drawers that aremounted within the same rack. The cable provides a DB25 femaleconnector at each end.
This 8 meter cable is available to provide a null-modem connectionbetween the serial ports of two system drawers that are mounted inseparate racks. The cable provides a DB25 female connector at eachend.
This cable is used to connect the System port/UPS Conversion Cable(#1827) to the CEC serial port. Also used to connect an ASCIIterminal or modem to the serial port which is physically an RJ45connection on the Power 710/720/730/740 and Power S824/S822/S814/S822L/S812L systems unit.
This feature is the Low Profile (LP) equivalent of feature number5768. The IBM 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI Express (PCIe) Adapterprovides two 1 Gbps (1000 Base-SX) full-duplex Ethernet LANconnections. The adapter interfaces to the system via a PCIe bus. Itis PCIe x4 capable and conforms to the PCIe 1.0a standard. Theadapter connects to a network using a 50/62.5 micron shortwave (850nm) multimode optical cable that conforms to the IEEE 802.3z standard.The adapter supports distances of 260m for 62.5 micron Multi ModeFiber (MMF) and 550m for 50.0 micron MMF. AIX Network Install Manager(NIM) boot capability is supported with this adapter.
The IBM 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI Express (PCIe) Adapterprovides two 1 Gbps (1000 Base-SX) full-duplex Ethernet LANconnections. The adapter interfaces to the system via a PCIe bus. Itis PCIe x4 capable and conforms to the PCIe 1.0a standard. Theadapter connects to a network using a 50/62.5 micron shortwave (850nm) multimode optical cable that conforms to the IEEE 802.3z standard.The adapter supports distances of 260m for 62.5 micron Multi ModeFiber (MMF) and 550m for 50.0 micron MMF. AIX Network Install Manager(NIM) boot capability is supported with this adapter.
The 2.0 meter active optical cable (AOC) pair connects a PCIe3module in the PCIe Gen3 I/O Expansion Drawer to a PCIe3 OpticalConverter Adapter in the system unit. There are two identical cablesin the cable pair, each with two CXP connectors. One of the cablesattaches to the top CXP port of the PCIe3 module and to the top CXPport of the PCIe3 Optical Converter Adapter. The other cable attachesto the bottom CXP ports. See also other AOC cable length options suchas the feature #ECC8 (10 meter). The 2 meter length is suggested onlyfor intra-rack connections.
Structured around the 160-Series, 180-Series, 200-Series and 500-Series hardware platforms: , the Nlynx OmniTerm® Thin Clients feature the Linux, Windows CE 5, Windows CE 6 (200-Series) or Windows XPe operating systems. All include the latest ICA and RDP clients for seamless connection to Windows based servers, as well as the TermPro emulation suite to access Midrange, Mainframe and UNIX/LINUX hosts. Additionally, they all feature Internet Explorer (Windows based OmniTerm®) or Firefox (Linux based OmniTerm®).
·Over 5 years professional experience to administer and maintain IBM eService P5 and pSeries servers, HMC, DLPAR, IBM TotalStorage FAStT servers, IBM TotalStorage SAN Fibre Channel Switch, and 7133 Serial disk system; excellent knowledge of SAN storage networking·Excellent operational skills in operating system performance tuning, TCP/IP networking, HACMP, FAStT Storage Manager, Oracle 8i/9i and IBM WebShpere MQSeries in the IBM AIX, UNIX and MS windows environment; Successful experience in AIX system, HACMP and Oracle database upgrade; .Backup, recovery and archive management in IBM Tivoli Storage Manager environment with small and large Tape Libraries; Disaster plan design; Database backup and recovery with Tivoli Data Procection.Outstanding large-scale system and complex multi-system work experience in a busy environment and 24X7, enterprise sized mission critical environment·Excellent problem solver with good communication and interpersonal skills; Creative troubleshooter with a record of implementing cost-effective solutions to expensive problems; Work well independently or as productive team member 2b1af7f3a8