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When using maxmode, you start off in a weaker state. All of your attacks are weaker than your opponent. If you perform any normal or command normals, you lose a max of 3% from each hit. Command normals can only cost you max of 1% from each hit. Special moves can only lose max of 2% from each hit. Maxmode is the only time that you are guaranteed to lose no health. If you are hit, you can either run out of maxmode, which means you are defeated, or go into defensive mode which means you will not lose any health. Defensive mode restores half of your max health. You cannot use any of your attacks while in defensive mode. Only commands can be used. Running out of maxmode however, will not free cancel into defensive mode, just like running out of energy does not free cancel into sub-v.
Free cancelling: Free cancelling is also considered a form of maxmode cancel. Free cancelling takes place between specific moves, such as jab cancelling into jab, or crouching cancelling into crouch. Free cancelling out of a move is usually counter productive as it is the same as a normal cancel, but free cancelling into a move is useful to avoid certain combos (such as reverse jump cancelling into crouch).
Jump normals are not free cancelled out of because they are not normally used as command normals and only used for special moves. So you can just move out of them. The general rule of thumb is to not free cancel command normals out of unless you don't know what you are doing or are technically very good. Staying in maxmode at the same time as the opponent is usually the safest way to stop them from being free cancelled.
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