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89. Freedom of religious or secular opinion. Almost all the Christian moral teaching of the Church concerns religious truth, religious freedom and religious practice, and these three are not separable from one another. We have already shown that religious freedom is in itself a freedom of conscience and of religion, and this freedom in turn is a fundamental element in any authentic Christian understanding of religion. To respect religious freedom is to respect the truth of religion; to defend it is to defend truth, and to despise it is to despise truth. True, all human beings are equally bound by the moral law, and we are all responsible for this law. But the degree to which this law is accepted by the individual becomes a measure of his or her dignity as a free moral agent. Thus freedom of conscience is granted both to individuals and to groups of men and women of good will.
87. From the above it follows that the Church, faithful to her vocation of being the house of God, which God has destined to be the school of the human race, must be man's friend and helpmeet in his search for the true Good. It is this which makes her the light of the world, in order to enable man to freely recognize the truth, to live his freedom and to grow spiritually.155
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