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If none of the steps above worked, or you're using a static IP, follow steps 2-3 in order to change your connection settings. For instance, you need to have a software modem, such as a ISP modem. Connect the modem to the PC via the serial port. In Windows, this can be achieved by: Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or type cmd in the search box. At the prompt, type: telnet
Go to Parent Wi-Fi tab and look for the option AP Name, if you already know the IP, you have to change it under this option. The AP Name option is where you can set the AP name you want to use to connect to your router.
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Bittorrent is an advanced peer-to-peer application for large file distribution, used for content distribution, as well as system backups and imaging. The BitTorrent protocol accomplishes bandwidth utilization more efficiently than other methods, such as FTP. d2c66b5586