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These games were selected to give a good overview of the free and open source games in the age of the Internet, ranging from the mid-1990s until today. It was not intended to be a comprehensive list of all free and open-source games; rather, the selection was based on availability of source code. Further information about the games can be found in the online game databases, game source code collections, and online archives. For the online game databases, see the lists of games in the categories of classics, adventure, strategy, action, rpg, sport, puzzle, and war in the website, the Game List section of the Wikipedia website, and the website. For the game source code collections, see the collection of the Penguin Database , the collection of the freegamedb GitHub repository , and the collection of the freegamedb GitHub repository . For more information on the online archives, see the site archives section of the website. For more information, see the Penguin Database and the Womble's Computer Games Archive .
Note: This list is a snapshot of the games on the Internet as of August 2019. Recent versions of some of these games may be different from the versions described below, and some of the games may be discontinued.
Abstract::This paper presents a multi-component composite wall structure, which is characterised by the use of the recently developed lightweight steel frame (LSF) materials. The LSF structures have been successfully used in many civil engineering projects, which employ the same approach as in the presented study – the combination of lightweight steel with a lightweight concrete structure. The concept of integration of the structures is based on the introduction of a composite structure based on lightweight steel and lightweight concrete into the design of buildings and structures with innovative lightweight steel frames. The architecture of composite elements is characterised by the use of an innovative lightweight steel frame, which can be fabricated using proprietary steel formulations or the extrusion of CFDUs (composite frames). The design of composite elements with lightweight steel frames was implemented using a computer-aided design and analysis (CAD/CAE) system.
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